The use of Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), also known as Bovine Somatotropin (BST) is a growth hormone that is given to dairy cows that is purported to increase milk production by 10-15%; but the use of it is controversial based on studies of human and cattle who are exposed to this unproven drug which is outlawed in Europe and other countries around the world. In 1993 the use of rBGH was approved by the FDA based on a biased study, and regular introduction to the human food chain occurred in 1994. In that time, dairy farmers and environmentalist have attempted to get the reality of its use publicly known, but those attempts have been met with resistance by the Federal government and the company that created the hormone therapy; Monsanto. The goal of this awareness program is to help further educate people of the possible dangers to human life; the environment, and to the cattle themselves. We have utilized various articles, papers, and publications to show support of our position and have then began addressing ways to educate our community on how to actively boycott and avoid those products which are known to use rBGH substances, or are unlabeled which is misleading to our community.
rBGH has shown indications in independent studies to cause side effects to human health that include an increased chance of cancers, health issues, and obesity. Besides human issues, the cattle who are given these treatments have a reduced life expectancy, increased health issues, and offspring who are born with severe physical deformity. Even Monsanto, the company who created BST/rBGH has stated that at least 20 health issues in cattle are prevalent when used for dairy production. Due to these issues, most industrialized nations in Europe, Japan, Australia, and Canada have outlawed the use of BST/rBGH in dairy cattle. The U.S., Brazil, and Mexico are just a few who do not.
When rBGH was introduced as a dairy supplement for increased milk production by Monsanto, a study conducted by the same company stated that it was ‘safe for human consumption’. This meant that Monsanto said that they believed that their product didn’t cause any short or long-term health issues to humans and was okay to use. No other data was provided to support or reject these claims, and the FDA approved the use without any other unbiased studies conducted. Information has been proven that showed that in fact Monsanto’s claims of ‘safe for human consumption’ had disparaging data withheld which would have kept the use of its drug ‘Polisac’ off the market.
Besides unproven data, there has been a major push by Monsanto and its subsidiaries to keep awareness out of the public eye:” In Georgia, South Dakota, Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Colorado and Louisiana it is now against the law to publicly criticize corporate food products under so-called "food disparagement" laws promoted by agriculture, chemical and biotechnology industry lobbyists. Similar laws are under consideration in Ohio and Illinois. "These laws are intended to curtail the right to free speech, to make it illegal to hand out leaflets or to dump rBGH milk in the gutter," Cummings charged.”
In Hawaii, we feel it is important for our communities and State to learn about the dangers to humans, the environment, and cattle of rBGH/BST use. We have embarked on a campaign of awareness to the general public, our schools, and to the retailers of potential rBGH containing products. We feel that by general education of the dangers, and how to demand legislation that clearly labels those products which use or don’t use rBGH that we can help to promote transparency of what is in our food chain, as well as avoid introduction and enactment of legislation, similar to other states, which do not allow for the freedom of speech to question what we eat.
rBGH has shown indications in independent studies to cause side effects to human health that include an increased chance of cancers, health issues, and obesity. Besides human issues, the cattle who are given these treatments have a reduced life expectancy, increased health issues, and offspring who are born with severe physical deformity. Even Monsanto, the company who created BST/rBGH has stated that at least 20 health issues in cattle are prevalent when used for dairy production. Due to these issues, most industrialized nations in Europe, Japan, Australia, and Canada have outlawed the use of BST/rBGH in dairy cattle. The U.S., Brazil, and Mexico are just a few who do not.
When rBGH was introduced as a dairy supplement for increased milk production by Monsanto, a study conducted by the same company stated that it was ‘safe for human consumption’. This meant that Monsanto said that they believed that their product didn’t cause any short or long-term health issues to humans and was okay to use. No other data was provided to support or reject these claims, and the FDA approved the use without any other unbiased studies conducted. Information has been proven that showed that in fact Monsanto’s claims of ‘safe for human consumption’ had disparaging data withheld which would have kept the use of its drug ‘Polisac’ off the market.
Besides unproven data, there has been a major push by Monsanto and its subsidiaries to keep awareness out of the public eye:” In Georgia, South Dakota, Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Texas, Arizona, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Colorado and Louisiana it is now against the law to publicly criticize corporate food products under so-called "food disparagement" laws promoted by agriculture, chemical and biotechnology industry lobbyists. Similar laws are under consideration in Ohio and Illinois. "These laws are intended to curtail the right to free speech, to make it illegal to hand out leaflets or to dump rBGH milk in the gutter," Cummings charged.”
In Hawaii, we feel it is important for our communities and State to learn about the dangers to humans, the environment, and cattle of rBGH/BST use. We have embarked on a campaign of awareness to the general public, our schools, and to the retailers of potential rBGH containing products. We feel that by general education of the dangers, and how to demand legislation that clearly labels those products which use or don’t use rBGH that we can help to promote transparency of what is in our food chain, as well as avoid introduction and enactment of legislation, similar to other states, which do not allow for the freedom of speech to question what we eat.
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